28 February 2009

Almost NS is almost surprised

In celebration of her birthday and to commend all her hard efforts with Dolly's 30th and Thelma's Baby Shower, we organised what was supposed to be a surprise gathering for my sis-in-law Sharon aka Almost NS! It remained a surprise til only days before when NS Dolly let it slip...needless to say I was NOT impressed! But hey Almost NS was almost surprised.

Ahhh big bro and lil sis

We had a lovely time at Ridizio Rico a Brazilian joint with great food and fresh meat brought steaming to your table and let's not forget the yummy cocktails... Papaya Caipirinhas' ummmmmmmmmm! Anwyay, they had the most embarrassing system for the birthday folk present in the restaurant which on a Saturday night was at every table! A member of staff would come to your table and BASH LOUDLY on a tambourine and sing sorry shout Happy Birthday...along with the rest of the table. Sharon feared it would happen to her. And it did!...

It was a throughly enjoyable night was had by all.

Close up of hair, I wore the flipped up side curls again.

Me and my beautiful NS and Almost NS African sistrens.

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